Butterfly Event Styling

No Ordinary Numbers

Source: Etsy

In decorating a special event even every detail plays an important role, especially if it’s a thematic wedding or event. Make sure that nothing is missed. One detail that sometimes is forgettable yet could add more “spice” to your decoration is table number. Centerpieces, table runners, and fine table setting are surely important as it could beautify the decoration even more, yet the addition of unique table numbers can steal the attention. Here are some ideas of table number that are surely not ordinary numbers.

Play with paper crafts, add some creativity. Personalize them with your own story or photos, or use them as wishing cards too. Don’t bother to use things around you such as wine bottles, or even wine bottles wrapped in burlap for rustic theme. Even more unique? Put the calculation on the cards and let your guest do the math!

Source: Style House Weddings & Events

Source: In The Now Weddings

Source: One Wed

Source: Some Kind of Lovely Ride

Source: Bridal Guide

Source: Rustic Wedding Chic

Source: Tucson Wedding Site

Source: Exceptional Bride

Source: Weddingbee