The Bridal Bouquet

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The bouquet is one of the most important pieces to your wedding look as it is the centerpiece to your dress. With so many beautiful flowers out there, how do you decide which bouquet is the right one for you?

Let’s begin by familiarizing yourself with some of the flower bouquets out there.


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The Round bouquet is known to be the most classical bride’s bouquet can be well suited for shorter gowns. It is a dense bunch of either one species of small flowers with one color or of various kinds and colors tied together with ribbon.

The Cascading bouquet is often called the teardrop bouquet or trail bouquet, roundish at the top but pointy at the bottom. The flowers are either anchored in a holder or hand-tied and designed to spill gracefully over the bride’s hands and give a waterfall-like “spill”.The Composite bouquet is perfect for the bride who loves simplicity. The bouquet is made up of a variety of real petals or buds wired together on a single stem to look like one large flower.


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The Nosegay bouquet also known as the tussy-mussy is a compact, cluster of flowers, wrapped tight and cut to one uniform length with beautiful satin and organza ribbons. They are a very trendy style of bridal bouquet varying in sophistication and a good choice for any wedding.

The Pageant bouquet is very similar to the cascading bouquet but it is a slightly more compact and pulled-together version.


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The Pompander bouquet also known as a kissing ball is a flower covered ball shape suspended from a loop of decorative ribbon. They are also great for flower girls and junior bridesmaids to carry.

The Posies bouquet is one of the more popular options and is widely used. It is a small, round bouquet tied with ribbon, which can easily be held in one hand. They can either be loose, hand-tied and unstructured or can be more formal, wired and constructed into a much lighter posy.

Hand tied

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Now that you are familiar with the common floral terms out there, here are some of the things to take into consideration before choosing your bouquet:

1. The wedding dress. Bring a picture of your wedding dress to the florist to figure out which flower bouquet best compliments your gown.

2. The shape and design of your bouquet. You do not want a bouquet that over shine your dress and does not enhance the silhouettes.

3. The theme of your wedding. Do you want it to match the rest of the wedding decorations or would you like the bouquet to be the pop of color that is different from the rest.

4. Find out which flowers are in bloom and make sure that the type of flowers you want in your bouquet is currently in season.

Choose the flower bouquet that is not only gorgeous but most importantly compliments your wedding gown.

Good luck!



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