Winter Grandeur


Forever and a day

She got a friend request on Facebook one rainy day in October 2009. She didn’t know who it was, so she rejected him. There was nothing until one fateful day in December, when he was home on a semester break, they met. She apologised for the declined friend request. He said it’s good to know she’s sane.  Continue reading


I Love You


I wish I knew what I was getting into

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Love is The Word

Yuliana is one of the sweetest and cheerful persons we’ve ever met. One couldn’t tell that she spent

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most of her time of day dealing with those intricate numbers (yup, she’s an auditor at one of those big accounting firms). She loved all things rustic and blush so we put wood logs, wooden arch and all those greeneries as the decoration details. White, blush pink, and violet were the main colors used that night. Taking place at The Atrium of Sampoerna Strategic Square, Satrio and Yuliana’s wedding was meant to spread just one word, and that word was love. Continue reading
