Happy Sweet Seventeen!

Turning seventeen is such a big deal for teenagers here in Indonesia (and everywhere else in the world too, actually.) It’s the age they are finally legally recognized. At seventeen, they are no longer considered a minor and are eligible to vote Continue reading


Yo Ho! A Pirates Life For Me!


Dancing With The Stars

There are ways to celebrate a special day. Having a party with the closest ones is one of them. This time, it was even more special because it was a surprised birthday party! For Sheena’s parents and sisters prepared everything without letting the birthday girl know that  they would throw a party for her. From finding a great venue which was the Morrissey’s rooftop with city view, deciding a unique yet fun theme which was Dancing With Sheena inspired by the TV show “Dancing With The Stars”, until inviting family and friends to the celebration. Being part of something special is always a pleasure for us, thus we tried our best to help Sheena’s family prepare everything. The result? The most unforgettable moment for the birthday girl! Continue reading
